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Mental Health Ramen And Carousel
Hi, I’m Tim, CEO/Founder of Vite. October 10th is World Mental Health Day. Maybe you’re seeing it on the day,...
Project Vite Kitchens
I’m Tim, founder and CEO, and...  Vite Ramen isn’t really mine.  I love everything we’ve done dearly, and I’m proud...
AAPI: If You're Given A Stage, Then Deliver A Performance. If You're Given A Voice, Then Speak
The 1 minute video I made won first place at the Asian American Stories Awards dinner! You can watch it...
Why Are We Making Knives? This Is Why It Means So Much To Me
Tim here. Thank you. When I first started Vite Kitchens and decided to make ramen, I had to give up...

( or keep scrolling to learn more about us )

  • Made in the USA

  • Living Wages

  • Asian Owned Small Business

  • Protein & Nutrient Dense

We Do All Our Own Stunts.

  • At Vite Kitchens, we do everything ourselves, like:
  • Custom Design/Build/Repair Our Own Machines
  • Make The Noodles In Our Own Facility
  • Make Tim source ingredients from cosmic horrors
We Fight For Our Beliefs.

We don't have investors. We don't maximize profit.
Even the kindest investors seek a profit return- otherwise, it'd be called a donation.

Being from a culinary background, we’re intimately familiar with the kind of exploitation that workers can be subject to, even at the kind of high end, Michelin Star places Tim was cooking. From untold amounts of unpaid interns to being pressured to clock out and keep working, we've experienced how the pressures of profit can turn those with the best intentions into a stressed, irritable jerk who exploits others without a second thought.

That means we don't take investor money. We don't chase profit. We are a small, Asian-owned, family owned business, and will continue to be so. Our dream is to make it so that everyone can eat healthy, no matter if they have sensory issues, are struggling with mental health, are incredibly busy creating a new awesome thing, or are simply exhausted from the day they've had; our dream has never been, and will never be, to become incomprehensibly, exploitatively rich.
We believe in our people, with Living Wages and more.
Not only that, but we give healthy amounts of PTO as well as paid, no questions asked, days off for mental health. It's extremely important to us that our people are treated fairly, and that our ramen isn't made at the expense of the people who make it.

We know the pains of having to scrimp and decide whether you want to have insurance, or you want to be able to build up savings. We also very well know the pain of missing out on events, and of watching friends and family slowly drift away because of an inflexible work schedule that makes it so you can never see them.

Because of this, we've built the company from the ground up to be ultra-flexible, with a focus on work-life balance. Everything from our packaging to production to marketing to supply chains have been designed with flexibility as its key feature, allowing us to function whether there's only a single person available, or a full team. All of our staff also receive health insurance, vision, and dental, all 100% covered by the company, and to date, we have never denied a single time off request.
We respect our people's time with the Work Hours Reservation System.
Bad things happen. That's a fact of life. Whether it's supply chain delays, machine failures, internet outages, global pandemics, or ever-increasing California wildfires, there are some days where work just can't happen.

This can make things incredibly difficult for workers who are not on a salary system. Having unpredictable income due to factors completely outside of your control is never a good feeling, and we do our best to mitigate this and balance the power dynamic between employer and employee with our Work Hours Reservation System.

Simply, when weekly schedules are made, the week's working hours are reserved, and the company must commit to paying for all hours that are reserved, no matter what happens. If someone expects to work 40 hours for the week, and is reserved for 40 hours for the week, they will be paid for the 40 hours no matter what as a minimum basis. Because any time in addition to this was not reserved, overtime pay doesn't change. If there's a wildfire, and can't work? Still paid. Machines went kaput and need repairs? Still paid. Superheroes fighting extra-dimensional beings again and endangering the fabric of reality, making it impossible to focus on work or really do anything because your tools keep warping out of existence? Still paid.

Employees are not machines. People are still people, and people's time should be respected.
We Fight For Our Beliefs.

We don't have investors. We don't maximize profit.
Even the kindest investors seek a profit return- otherwise, it'd be called a donation.

Being from a culinary background, we’re intimately familiar with the kind of exploitation that workers can be subject to, even at the kind of high end, Michelin Star places Tim was cooking. From untold amounts of unpaid interns to being pressured to clock out and keep working, we've experienced how the pressures of profit can turn those with the best intentions into a stressed, irritable jerk who exploits others without a second thought.

That means we don't take investor money. We don't chase profit. We are a small, Asian-owned, family owned business, and will continue to be so. Our dream is to make it so that everyone can eat healthy, no matter if they have sensory issues, are struggling with mental health, are incredibly busy creating a new awesome thing, or are simply exhausted from the day they've had; our dream has never been, and will never be, to become incomprehensibly, exploitatively rich.
We believe in our people, with Living Wages and more.
Not only that, but we give healthy amounts of PTO and with no questions asked days off for mental health. It's extremely important to us that our people are treated fairly, and that our ramen isn't made at the expense of the people who make it.

We know the pains of having to scrimp and decide whether you want to have insurance, or you want to be able to build up savings. We also very well know the pain of missing out on events, and watch friends and family slowly drift away because of an inflexible work schedule that makes it so you can never see them.

Because of this, we've built the company from the ground up to be ultra-flexible, with a focus on work-life balance. Everything from our packaging to production to marketing to supply chains have been designed with flexibility as its key feature, allowing us to function whether there's only a single person available, or a full team. All of our staff also receive health insurance, vision, and dental, all 100% covered by the company, and to date, we have never denied a single time off request.
We respect our people's time with the Work Hours Reservation System.
Bad things happen. That's a fact of life. Whether it's supply chain delays, machine failures, internet outages, global pandemics, or ever-increasing California wildfires, there are some days where work just can't happen.

This can make things incredibly difficult for workers who are not on a salary system. Having unpredictable income due to factors completely outside of your control is never a good feeling, and we do our best to mitigate this and balance the power dynamic between employer and employee with our Work Hours Reservation System.

Simply, when weekly schedules are made, the week's working hours are reserved, and the company must commit to paying for all hours that are reserved, no matter what happens. If someone expects to work 40 hours for the week, and is reserved for 40 hours for the week, they will be paid for the 40 hours no matter what as a minimum basis. Because any time in addition to this was not reserved, overtime pay doesn't change. If there's a wildfire, and can't work? Still paid. Machines went kaput and need repairs? Still paid. Superheroes fighting extra-dimensional beings again and endangering the fabric of reality, making it impossible to focus on work or really do anything because your tools keep warping out of existence? Still paid.

Employees are not machines. People are still people, and people's time should be respected.

We Make Great Things.

We play with flavors and aromas, coaxing rich, savory sensations across the palette that mingle with the beautiful harmony of science beneath.

...and then we name it things like "Naked Noods" and "Nanoboost"

We Make Great Things.

We play with flavors and aromas, coaxing rich, savory sensations across the palette that mingle with the beautiful harmony of science beneath.

...and then we name it things like "Naked Noods" and "Nanoboost"
We Make Dumb Things.

Look on our works, ye mighty, and despair
We Make Dumb Things.

Look on our works, ye mighty, and despair
And we don't take life too seriously.

Because who better to poke fun at us than ourselves?
And we don't take life
too seriously.

Because who better to poke fun at us than ourselves?
Never Stop Creating.

We never stopped laughing. We never stopped writing, and doing, and fighting for everything we believe in. We're here to make our dreams a reality.

Never Stop Exploring.

We never stop challenging ourselves. We never stop improving, never stop building, never stop wondering; and we experiment and we ponder, and we reach out, and stretch towards the furthest horizons that our imaginations dare to conceive.

"Never accept the world as it appears to be.
Dare to see it for what it could be."
-Dr. Harold Winston

Never Stop Exploring.

We never stop challenging ourselves. We never stop improving, never stop building, never stop wondering; and we experiment and we ponder, and we reach out, and stretch towards the furthest horizons that our imaginations dare to conceive.

"Never accept the world as it appears to be.
Dare to see it for what it could be."
-Dr. Harold Winston

Never Give Up.

We've been scared. We've teetered at the edge of despair. We've gasped for breath, fought and struggled, watching hope slowly fade further and further from our sight. And sometimes, no matter how hard you try, everything seems lost.

Never Give Up.

We've been scared. We've teetered at the edge of despair. We've gasped for breath, fought and struggled, watching hope slowly fade further and further from our sight. And sometimes, no matter how hard you try, everything seems lost.

We're still here.

We're not done yet. Not by a long shot. It ain't that easy to get rid of us, not when there's so much fun left to be had, so much good food to be enjoyed, and so many memories left to make. Join us in the next step on this wild ride, and let's make food better, together. -Tim, CEO/Founder
We're still here.

We're not done yet. Not by a long shot. It ain't that easy to get rid of us, not when there's so much fun left to be had, so much good food to be enjoyed, and so many memories left to make. Join us in the next step on this wild ride, and let's make food better, together. -Tim, CEO/Founder

Nutritious meals delivered to your door since 2017 


Constantly improving our recipe for you

1.5 Mil+

high protein, healthy, craft meals delivered


Essential micronutrients

In every meal

Made To Order
Made With Love

Each individual noodle is made right in the USA by our own hands, and with respect for our employees and our customers.

*We built our facility and our processes ourselves from the ground up despite how many times we were told "That's not possible to do."

Small Business.

Big Dreams.

Made By Us.

The story of Vite Kitchens is not one of easy success. The road to where this small business is today has been filled with many obstacles and setbacks, only for us to come out stronger, again and again.

Learn more from CEO Tim Zheng's interview with Randy Lau >>> 


People Over Profits.

We believe that when you race to the bottom dollar, everyone loses.

We price our products honestly - so we can sustain a business model that pays living wages, respects our employees, and uses only high quality ingredients we feel comfortable eating every day ourselves.


Everyone Deserves To Be Healthy.

All your protein, nutrients, and fiber.  Meals that tastes like junk food, but function for your body like health food.