Savor life's little victories.

your health. easy as ramen.

your health.

easy as ramen.





Race to the bottom?

People get hurt.

Our prices reflect our commitment to:

-Ethical Business Practices

-No Investors

-Mental Health Time Off


Our prices reflect the reality of doing business the hard way, but the right way. High quality ingredients, passion, and respect for people.

We don't have investors. We don't maximize profit.

Even the kindest investors seek a profit return- otherwise, it'd be called a donation.

Beingfrom a culinary background, we’re intimately familiar with the kind ofexploitation that workers can be subject to, even at the kind of highend, Michelin Star places Tim was cooking. From untold amounts of unpaidinterns to being pressured to clock out and keep working, we'veexperienced how the pressures of profit can turn those with the bestintentions into a stressed, irritable jerk who exploits others without a second thought.

Thatmeans we don't take investor money. We don't chase profit. We are asmall, Asian-owned, family owned business, and will continue to be so.Our dream is to make it so that everyone can eat healthy, no matter ifthey have sensory issues, are struggling with mental health, areincredibly busy creating a new awesome thing, or are simply exhaustedfrom the day they've had; our dream has never been, and will never be,to become incomprehensibly, exploitatively rich.

We believe in our people, with Living Wages and more.

 Not only that, but we give healthy amounts of PTO as well as paid, no questions asked, days off for mental health. It's extremely important to us that our people are treated fairly, and that our ramen isn't made at the expense of the people who make it.

We know the pains of having to scrimp and decide whether you want to have insurance, or you want to be able to build up savings. We also very well know the pain of missing out on events, and of watching friends and family slowly drift away because of an inflexible work schedule that makes it so you can never see them.

Because of this, we've built the company from the ground up to be ultra-flexible, with a focus on work-life balance. Everything from our packaging to production to marketing to supply chains have been designed with flexibility as its key feature, allowing us to function whether there's only a single person available, or a full team. All of our staff also receive health insurance, vision, and dental, all 100% covered by the company, and to date, we have never denied a single time off request.

We respect our people's time with the Work Hours Reservation System.

Bad things happen. That's a fact of life. Whether it's supply chain delays, machine failures, internet outages, global pandemics, or ever-increasing California wildfires, there are some days where work just can't happen.

This can make things incredibly difficult for workers who are not on a salary system. Having unpredictable income due to factors completely outside of your control is never a good feeling, and we do our best to mitigate this and balance the power dynamic between employer and employee with our Work Hours Reservation System.

Simply, when weekly schedules are made, the week's working hours are reserved, and the company must commit to paying for all hours that are reserved, no matter what happens. If someone expects to work 40 hours for the week, and is reserved for 40 hours for the week, they will be paid for the 40 hours no matter what as a minimum basis. Because any time in addition to this was not reserved, overtime pay doesn't change. If there's a wildfire, and can't work? Still paid. Machines went kaput and need repairs? Still paid. Superheroes fighting extra-dimensional beings again and endangering the fabric of reality, making it impossible to focus on work or really do anything because your tools keep warping out of existence? Still paid.

Employees are not machines. People are still people, and people's time should be respected.

It’s Only Good For You
If You Actually Eat It

  • No Energy To Make Healthy Food

  • No Time To Think What's Healthy

  • Can't Figure Out What To Cook
  • Painfully Hard Making Healthy Taste Good

We've Been There Too, So We Made


We've Been There Too, So We Made




award winning innovation, Chef Crafted,


"I was skeptical at first because let's face it, healthy a lot of times tastes meh.  But this ramen is amazing and so flavorful.  I was also worried the portions would be too small and leave me feeling hungry right after eating.  Nope, I'm full after every meal and if you know me, you'll know that is no easy feat.  I applaud you and your team Tim. Great work 👍👏"

- Alexander Macias



founded on

michelin star experience.

Skills earned through a gauntlet of excellence and dedication. We've cut our teeth with the best of the best, and have the scars to prove it.

Flavors crafted with conviction and passion.

We've Helped Over 100,000 People Change Their Healthy Eating Forever

"Years ago I saw the Vite Ramen booth at a convention....and passed it. In my head I thought "Oh, this is just expensive ramen. It's a gimmick. I can get ramen cheaper." What a mistake that was. The next convention I went to they were there with a game. I won a pack of ramen and they won me over as a customer. Anytime I saw them at a convention I would buy ramen from them. When I found out they had an online store I started purchasing there. My entire family loves Vite Ramen to the point that we have Vite Ramen drawers in the pantry and never miss a new version or new flavor."

Made with passion. made to order.


Our ramen is Made To Order to help with supply chains! That means we figure out what supplies we can get, set inventories accordingly, and then take orders. Afterwards, we'll take the order information and sort it to get everything made that needs to be made!

This means that production will start after you order, and may take 2-4 weeks, and sometimes more depending on supply chains.

Once a batch closes, all orders past that date will be part of the next MTO batch. We’ll be working on just the first batch until we’re through with that, then move onto the next batch, closing up orders for the next batch, and so on and so forth.

(click image to enlarge)

"I wanted to say thank you for making some of the best and most delicious ramen I've ever had in my life! I love the fact that it's high protein too.

Ramen was my absolute favorite food as a kid and pretty much the only thing I would eat! I'm glad that there is now a healthier ramen available.

I love what you do and am inspired by your story of persevering despite

the odds."

- Donald Wolf

"I am absolutely obsessed and addicted to your noodles. I literally have to ration out my noodles or else I’d eat them all in like a week.

I love that even opening all the packets is EASY! Everything opens up so easy!! No uneven tears, no mess. I know it sounds trivial and maybe even silly lol but it’s true and I totally appreciate that! And I love that everything is recyclable.


That is all, thank you 😊"

- Lisa Albrecht

"I just want to shout out all the good people @ViteRamen for making such a high quality and delicious product.  I often do 10 or 12 hour shifts and when I get home I just need something fast and high in protein and essential nutrients.

Tonight I cooked up some of the Garlic Pork Tonkotsu v3.0... Utensils courtesy of the Vite Ramen starter pack which I highly recommend starting with!"

- Chris B.

patch notes v3.0

We constantly improve Vite Ramen, whether it's nutrition or flavor. Every big change we made gets a "Patch Notes" update, and it's all from listening to what you have to say!
Talk to us and let us know what you think!

Top Questions, Our First-Time Customers Ask

How is Vite Ramen priced?

We're totally aware that our ramen is higher priced than "normal ramen", but for good reason.  It's well known in the food world that the cheaper your product is, the better your sales will be. Unfortunately, fighting for the bottom dollar often means that the employees who make the food pay the cost: minimum wage, poor working hours and no consideration for mental health or overall/general employee well-being.

Being from a culinary background, we’re intimately familiar with the kind of exploitation that workers can be subject to, and the kind of poverty people can experience even while working twelve hour days. The first step to combating this kind of exploitation is to set up business models that incorporate the negative externalities directly into the price, rather than perpetuate the unsustainable business models that currently exist.

We're putting our money where our mouth is and paying all of our employees a living wage no matter what position they work, giving healthy amounts of PTO and with no questions asked days off for mental health. It's extremely important to us that our employees are treated fairly and that our ramen isn't made at the expense of the people who make it.

Would we be able to make the product cheaper through outsourcing and sell more by decreasing the cost? Yeah, absolutely! But we're not about that. We're not in this to make the biggest profit (in fact, our profit margins are so low we can't afford to sell in supermarkets, which should give you an idea). Factor in the material costs for all the things like quinoa and protein for a healthier ramen and being made in the USA and that's how we set our costs.

In the end, we just want to make the best ramen possible, have an excuse to eat ramen every day, and be proud of what we're doing and the employees who make it happen. And when it comes down to it, each of our meals is still less than the cost of a fast food meal! :)

How are shipping costs calculated?

The reality of shipping is that shipping companies give us a cost, and that’s what shows up on our website; we don’t make a single dollar off of it. We unfortunately have no control over it, and being a small business, we have no negotiating power in asking them to lower it.

Also, our ramen is just way, way bigger than the small packets you might see on the supermarket shelves. It’s designed as a complete meal, so it’s larger and heftier than many people might first think!

We’re constantly looking for better solutions, and do our best to help make shipping easier however we can: we offer free rewards for returning customers, and due to how dimensional weight works, the cost of shipping more packets is only a couple dollars more than a basic 9 pack! If you're a fan of our ramen, ordering more at once is the most cost effective shipping rate!

International orders please note that the price shown covers ALL country entry fees, including duties, shipping, customs, and other fees. We do not set these fees and do not receive any of them, as a third party handles all of this for us, and customs and duty fees are set by the respective governments. We understand these prices are steep, but as of now, this is our only way as a small business to legally ship our product through international borders.

Why do you add MSG?

MSG is an unfairly demonized ingredient! There's some very interesting history to why it became looked down on, and it's not because of scientific evidence! Check out our blog post about the subject to see why we deliberately included MSG.

Is Vite Ramen vegan/halal/gluten free/low carb?

Our Naked Noods, Nanoboost, Vegan White Miso, and Vegan Sichuan Chili Edition are 100% vegan and, to the best of our understanding, halal, while the Chicken, Pork, and Beef are not. However, it should also be noted that they are not certified halal/kosher. Our noodles are also not gluten free or low carb, though it is often requested that we attempt to make gluten free or low carb noodles, we do not have the manufacturing capabilities need to create this kind of product at this time.

Is Vite Ramen organic?

No, Vite Ramen is not organic.

INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING NOW AVAILABLE! We have officially begun shipping outside the USA!

Please note that the price shown covers ALL country entry fees, including duties, shipping, customs, and other fees. We do not set these fees and do not receive any of them, as a third party handles all of this for us, and customs and duty fees are set by the respective governments. We understand these prices are steep, but as of now, this is our only way as a small business to legally ship our product through international borders.

Orders first will make their way through our MTO Process (If you don’t know what that is, please read here: Then, international orders are picked up once a week for consolidation shipping, where it first makes its way to a large consolidated port of entry, and may take 2-3 weeks from the “label created” phase to actual shipping due to the customs process involved. Once the package has left our hands, we are not able to change its course.

Current Countries we ship to include:
Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, Iceland, Netherlands, Spain, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Japan, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, Vietnam

*Not available in all locations, please verify your address at checkout