Why can't you see all the colors we see? Experience the darkness of what it's like to live with depression. Try to find out what this ramen costs, how to add it to cart, and how difficult it is just to do the simplest thing.

Engulfing Depression Pack


Why can't you see all the colors we see?

Click in here and experience the darkness of what it's like to live with depression. Try to add it to cart, and how difficult it is just to do the simplest thing.

Engulfing Depression: A charcoal covered packaging that WILL get soot and darkness everywhere you touch, this flavor is filled with nothing but smoke and peat that overwhelms your senses. Cooking instructions: Burn the noodles, bathe in the smoke, pour the peat and smoke powder in, and enjoy disassociating.

100% of revenue donated to mental health charity.


Expected to ship Early December

The Echo Collection..
