VRGO Might Have Changed? Maybe?

Hey, Tim here, and hear me out... VRGO might actually be hot-water-able.
No, I’m not sure that’s an actual verb, and yes, I’m sure there’s a better way to describe it. But, long story short, we’ve been receiving increased reports that VRGO, and by extension, Vite Ramen, might actually be something you can prepare by just pouring hot water on it and waiting????
There’s a couple caveats here. Number one, I tried this myself and personally, I like my noodles softer (I cook my noodles for like... 6 minutes) so it wouldn’t be my preference. But, when others tried it, they were absolutely delighted with the result. Enthralled, even, ecstatic, if we’re being really generous, jubilant, if we’re pretending we’re from a century ago.
I’m one of those guys who’s not a fan of al dente pasta either, so YMMV here. The big question I’m sure is on everyone’s mind is:
What Changed To Make VRGO Hot-Water-Able?
Simple: Noodle size consistency. Remember when we swapped all of our noodle sizing to the new more compact version that was originally for VRGO?
No? Well, here’s that video if you’re interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7WsT1Bfkxs
Previously, we’d have to make machine adjustments whenever we wanted to make VRGO and Vite Ramen, which would subsequently lead to some differences in thickness. The average noodle measures just 1.5mm in thickness, which means that even a 0.25mm increase(about two pieces of paper), which is VERY easy to drift to during calibration, will introduce a 16% greater total diameter to the noodle.
But because of math, a 16% increase in diameter actually introduces a 36% increase in overall surface area, and surface area and the core of the noodle being hydrated is where it’s at!
(this assumes I did my math right which is a big assumption but the general idea is there at least)
Couple that in with how heat dissipates over time, with anything under 150F or so significantly slowing down noodle hydration time, and you get inadequately hydrated noodles. While most of our noodles would come out right, it was too easy to have noodles even in the same brick to be slightly different and to not hydrate as well.
However, by not needing to change our processes and standardizing to one noodle type, we’ve largely resolved this problem... we think. One of the reasons why we’re actually recommending to do this only with VRGO is specifically because the container is a double wall container that insulates better, and because it’s taller than it is wide, the heat dissipates a lot slower.
Do this with an open bowl of Vite Ramen and it’s likely going to cool a lot faster and not hydrate as well. Some of this, of course, comes down to ambient air temperature and air movement, but that’s all stuff we can’t really control for unless you want to give us direct access to the smart thermometers in your house... but that’s weird and creepy and we wouldn’t accept it even if you offered it. Really excessive just to have your ramen hydrate properly, don’t you think?
Anyway, all of that math and science aside, the point here is simply that now, VRGO might maybe be actually hot-water-able. Want to try it out for us and let us know what you think?
We’re offering 15% off VRGO for a limited time, so go pick some up, and let us know if this worked for you, or if it didn’t!
Use code VRGOEXPERIMENT for 15% off all VRGO! (https://viteramen.com/collections/vite-ramen-go)
Pouring BOILING water up to the line and COVERING the VRGO container is key here. Gotta stir it after a minute or two as well, and cover it again. Right now, I think it generally takes about 6-10 minutes of soaking(once again, depending on ambient temperature), but let us know how it works for you!
For those who do use the VRGOEXPERIMENT code, be on the lookout, we'll be sending you a follow-up email asking how the experiment went for you!
Remember to be kind, and savor life’s little victories where you get them!
-Tim, CEO/Founder Vite Kitchens