Giri Cooking Challenges Rules

Giri Cooking Challenges Rules


Points & Rankings

Main Challenges:

  • 1st place: 300 points
  • 2nd place: 200 points
  • 3rd place: 100 points

Mini-Game Challenges(once per Main Challenge):

  • 1st place: 75 points
  • 2nd place: 50 points
  • 3rd place: 0 points

Mini-games occur at a random time each main challenge or when triggered by special chat conditions(?)

Mini-game winners can choose: Receive one Celestial Blessing OR assign one Imperial Burden to someone (audience votes on specifics)

The Court's Influence

Twitch Chat serves as The Imperial Court, wielding divine power over the competition through real-time voting. The Court decides between two blessings or curses, depending on which the competitor picked.

Imperial Burdens

  • Butter knife only
  • Shitty German knife
  • One-handed cooking
  • Non-dominant hand use
  • Mandatory oven mitt use
  • Mandatory measurement and documentation
  • Time reduction
  • Forced ingredient inclusion
  • Burned rice incorporation challenge

Celestial Blessings

  • Early start advantage
  • Time extension
  • Professional knife sharpening
  • Access to specialized tools/mandolines
  • Measuring equipment
  • Host Chef Tim as sous chef for X minutes
  • Plating help from Chef Tim
  • Ingredient selection priority
  • One-time "redo" opportunity
  • Immunity from next burden

Ultimate Abilities

  • Each chef possesses one unique Ultimate ability
  • Can be used once per competition day
  • Recharge methods:
    • Win mini-challenges
    • Spend 250 points
  • [Specific Ultimate abilities to be revealed on main competition days]

Jan 19th:

Knife Masters Challenge

Competitors learn how to sharpen a knife that has been ground down and is no longer sharp, using a diamond stone.

Using the BESS sharpness tester, they will test their knife sharpness, and have to use that knife for the remainder of the day’s competition.

The lowest BESS score wins.

Cooking Challenge #1: Surprise Reveal To Competitors

Cooking Challenge #2: Cooking Relay

The chefs must work together to create a dish. However, each person will only have X amount of time to work on the dish, and must drop what they’re doing when time is up.

Judging is done by complete arbitrary decision by Chef Tim.

Note: Rules subject to modification based on divine intervention and host discretion. May the Celestial Court favor your blade!

Experience The Trial For The Imperial Throne

The long-awaited culinary battle to claim the Celestial Mandate of Heaven has begun! Check out the action live on Twitch! (If the stream embed won’t load, your browser probably isn’t liking it, it’s not just you. You can go directly to and catch it all there!)

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